The restaurant of Gule Ocakbasi Harbiye is perceived as one of the most significant traditional cookhouses within Turkey wherein they practice the traditional way of forming Turkish kebabs as specialty of the place itself.
The distinct restaurant location of Gule Ocakbasi is quite relatively crowded as such place is commonly utilized by other individuals for large events, yet the restaurant provides the opportunity to watch your food be marinated in sumic.
The most highly recommended and suggested meal to consume while in Gule Ocakbasi would their shish kebabs due to the fact they combine lamb and meat wherein its been smothere with fresh coriander, paprika, and garlic causing itt's spicy sweet flavor.
LOCATION: Esentepe Mahallesi
Istanbul's Tatbak comprises of an infamous restaurant producing savory lamachun, which is spread with cooked bits of minced meat, coriander, paprika, cumin in which it is condiments are on a thin dough sheet.
Tatbak's restaurant atmosphere and ambience would be that the restaurant is quite calm and tranquil as the location is quite relatively included in fine dining wherein it is quite soothing as music pla.
The most recommended and suggested meal according to locals would their lamachun that initially constitutes of a soft thin sheet of falafel dough spread into a circle topped with alternating spices from paprika, cumin, turmeric, and coriander layered with meat.
LOCATION: Akkavak Street 38/B
Istanbul's most notorious baklava dessert orginates from Cigdem Patisserie wherein their baklava utilizes pistachios and brown sugar that has been preserved for several years, hence they develop a savory taste.
Istanbul's Cigdem Patisserie possesses an amazing ambience as live music from nearby musicians can be heard as you consume and take a bit of their savory yet sugary baklavas as the ambience is calm as well.
Cigdem Patisserie's most infamous dessert treat would be their crunchy baklavas due to the fact that such desert possesses a n incorporation of crunchy pistachio beans, brown sugar, along with dried fruit that tops off lall their baklava treats as specialty .
LOCATION: Alemdar Mh Divan