Aroostook State Park Map 2023

Online Information
www . parksandlands . com
in the heart of the Crown of Maine .
Maine ’ s First State Park

Special Considerations

Know applicable laws .
• The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife ( MDIFW ) Warden Service does search-and-rescue operations and enforces state fish and game laws , boating laws ( on inland waters ), and ATV and snowmobile laws . To learn more about applicable laws and to purchase appropriate licenses , visit www . maine . gov / ifw .
Help stop the spread of invasive species .
• Eurasian Milfoil is an aquatic invasive . Clean all watercraft before they are launched and after retrieval . FMI : www . maine . gov / dep / water / invasives /
• Buy only local firewood , do not transport out of state firewood . FMI : www . maine . gov / forestinvasives
Cell phones should not be counted on in an emergency .
• Coverage is generally poor and spotty in this area , so have a backup plan .
Moose , bear and other large animals are abundant .
• Observe from a safe distance ; do not flush wildlife .
• Drive slowly on area roads , particularly at times of low light .
• Food must be securely stowed when camping .
• Tents must be kept free of food and food odors .
Trailerable and hand-carry boat launches are highly variable .
• Online sortable listing : www . maine . gov / dacf / boatlaunches
Wear blaze orange during hunting season .
• Hunting is not permitted at the park between June 1 and Labor Day . Visit www . maine . gov / ifw for hunting laws .
Be a responsible visitor and Leave No Trace .
• Learn more at www . lnt . org
Floating dock and rental canoes available .

Property History

Quaggy Jo Mountain , the most prominent feature of Aroostook State Park , rises abruptly from the surrounding farmlands . Uplifted by folding of the earth ’ s crust , weathered and shaped by glaciations through time , Quaggy Jo offers a unique chance to study our geologic past . The underlying limestone formations mark the presence of an ancient sea , and the mountain ’ s outer layer of volcanic rock suggests a later lava flow of an unknown origin . Quaggy Jo is the shortened from of its Indian name , “ Qua Qua Jo ” which translates to “ twin peaked .”

Aroostook County is known as the “ Crown of Maine ” and is renowned for its potatoes . The County has also been a winter wonderland for generations of visitors . In the early fall of 1938 , the Presque Isle Merchants Association presented the deed to the first 100 acres of land at Quoggy Joe Mountain ( now called Quaggy Jo Mt .) to the state for Maine ’ s first state park . By midfall , funds had been raised , plans made , an engineer hired and the Works Progress Administration ( WPA ) engaged to bring a ski trail and winter sports programs to life . In November , longtime resident Elbridge Sprague broke ground for a new ski trail , and a crew of 35 WPA workers began clearing the trail on the east side of the mountain . By the end of December , the half-mile trail was completed and ready for use , and by February of 1939 , downhill and slalom skiers were signing up for the races ! ( Source : Various Bangor Daily News and Press Herald newspaper articles from 1938 and 1939 .)
Ski sled circa 1939 ; file photo .
Ski trail work circa 1938 ; file photo .


Maine ’ s first state park , Aroostook State Park , is located on Echo Lake in the heart of Maine ’ s potato country . Hiking on Quaggy Jo Mountain , trout fishing on Echo Lake , and camping are popular activities .

The park ’ s natural areas are typical of northern Maine . Its forest consists mainly of a mixture of spruce , fir , beech , and maple . Cedar stands can be found in low , swampy areas .
A wide variety of birds and mammals live within the park . While squirrels and chipmunks are most frequently seen , fox , deer , moose and bear also call the park “ home .” Birds of all types are found here too , including hawks , owls and woodpeckers .
Large brook trout can be found in spring-fed Echo Lake .
Ski trail workers circa 1938 ; file photo .

guide & map

Aroostook State Park

View from South Peak
Potato crop in bloom .

When to Visit

View from South Peak Trail .
This is a popular four-season recreation area . Hiking and skiing as well as fishing , swimming , and camping are among the outdoor activities offered at the park .

Aroostook County Region


Located 5 miles south of Presque Isle and just west of U . S . Route 1 on Echo Lake . From Route 1 take Spragueville Road west to State Park Road .
State Park Rd
Presque Isle
Aroostook State Park

Online Information

• Camping Reservations & Campground Maps www . campwithme . com
Reservations may also be made by phone : 1-800-332-1501 ( within Maine ) 207-624-9950 ( outside of Maine )
Mars Hill
Lat 46.615453 , Lon -68.008184
• Group Camping at Aroostook State Park www . maine . gov / dacf / parks / camping / group _ camping . shtml Group Reservations are taken by the park : 207-768-8341
• Boat Launch Listing : www . maine . gov / dacf / boatlaunches
• Aroostook State Park www . maine . gov / aroostook
• All State Parks and Public Lands www . parksandlands . com


Aroostook State Park 87 State Park Road Presque Isle , ME 04769 207-768-8341 www . maine . gov / aroostook
Official Maine State Parks Geocache : www . maine . gov / dacf / geotour
10 Spragueville Rd

Visitor Rules

Camping Camp only at established sites . Reservations available at www . campwithme . com
Fires Kindle fires only in campsites and picnic sites with fire pits or grills . Do not cut live vegetation .
Pets Must be leashed , attended and under control at all times . Clean up their waste .
Trash Carry out all trash .
Firearms Do not discharge weapons within 300 feet of any picnic area , camping area , parking area , marked hiking trail or other developed area . Loaded firearms are not permitted at campsites or on hiking trails .
Fishing All those fishing must have a valid license and review the State ’ s open water fishing regulations . Anglers are asked to use lead-free sinkers and jigs to prevent metal poisoning of loons , eagles and other wildlife . www . maine . gov / ifw /
Power Equipment
Quiet Hours
Use no chainsaws or other power equipment around campsites .
Quiet in camping areas is required between 10:00 p . m . and 7:00 a . m . Use of generators is permitted between 8:00 a . m . and 8:00 p . m ., if the sound does not bother other visitors .

Winter Activites

Echo Lake
Winter fun at Aroostook State Park .
Cross-country Skiing Trail skill level is designated by color trail markers :
• Blue = easy / novice trails with flat or gently rolling terrain and are good for those new to the sport , or those who enjoy even paced gliding .
• Yellow = moderate / intermediate trails and have greater variation in contours . For these trails , some gradual descents and ascents are involved , and they are generally popular with most ability levels .
• Red = challenging / advanced trails . Strenuous on uphill grades and fast paced gliding on downhill slopes are to be expected on these trails .
See these and other trail desription on the map .
Sliding For those young at heart , use the plastic sleds provided or bring your own . A sliding hill near the Park entrance is packed and ready for a quick run down memory lane .
Ice Skating When comditions allow , an ice skating area is cleared on the lake .
Winter Camping is allowed , however contact the park staff prior to your visit to make arrangements ( 207 ) 768-8341 .

Partners and Supporters

In 1938 , interested citizens of Presque Isle donated 100 acres of land to the State with the hope of creating Maine ’ s first State Park . In 1939 , this became a reality with the creation of Aroostook State Park . Subsequent donations increased the park to its present size of over 900 acres . Encompassing Quaggy Jo Mountain ’ s peaks , and fronting on Echo Lake , the park provides year-round recreational opportunities .
• AmeriCorps members , including Maine Conservation Corps , have provided trail maintenance and constuction .
• Land for Maine ’ s Future Program contributed funding toward the purchase of this property .
• Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife stocks Echo Lake with brook trout .
• Presque Isle Snowmobile Club maintains the local snowmobile trails .
This brochure was made possible in part by funding assistance through the Federal Highway Administration ’ s Recreational Trails Program ( RTP ), administered by the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands .
Birders at Aroostook State Park .

Regional Destinations

Aroostook State Park is an ideal starting point for discovering the North Maine Woods , the Allagash Wilderness Waterway , and the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Quebec . Regional destinations include :
• Allagash Wilderness Waterway , a federally designated Wild and Scenic River , is a 92-mile river corridor and canoe camper ’ s paradise . www . maine . gov / allagash
• Deboullie Public Lands , remote camping and fishing on crystal-clear trout ponds surrounded by low rugged mountains and 21,871 acres 30 miles from the Canadian border . www . maaine . gov / deboullie
• Fort Kent Block House , a State Historic Site originally constructed in 1839 to secure Maine ’ s claim to the northern forest during the “ Aroostook War .” Located off U . S . Route # 1 / West Main Street , Fort Kent . www . maine . gov / fortkent
• Scopan Public Lands contains some of the most rugged terrain in this part of the state . In addition to 1400-foothigh Scopan Mountain and 9.5 miles of shoreline on Scopan Lake , it also has low hills , wetlands , brooks , and a small pond . www . maine . gov / scopan

Other Points of Interest

• The James School , A fully restored One Room Schoolhouse .
• Transatlantic Balloon Launch Site , Located 1.5 miles from Aroostook State Park , the Double Eagle II Memorial Park marks the launch site of the first successful transatlantic balloon crossing , which took off 8:43 pm August 11 , 1978 .
• Haystack Mountain , A short , rugged . 5-mile climb with rewarding 360-degree views of Aroostook County . Located on Rt . 163 , 4 miles west of Mapleton .
• Maine Solar System Model , At forty miles ( 64.4 km ) from Pluto in Houlton , to the Sun located on the campus of the University of Maine at Presque Isle , this is the largest complete three-dimensional scale model of the Solar System in the World .
• North Maine Woods , 3 million acres of privately owned timber land that is open to the public for recreational use . Drive carefuly in this area ; yield to logging trucks at all times . FMI : www . northmainewoods . com
For more information on these and other nearby attractions , inquire at the park control station , or just ask a park employee .
Spring Ice-out to mid-June is the best time to fish . Be alert for bears with cubs ; expect black flies . Birders enjoy the park year-round .
Summer Hikers enjoy the scenic vistas , diversity of trails , and camping . Swimming , canoeing and kayaking are popular on Echo Lake . The park has a limited number of watercraft available for rental .
Autumn Fall foliage is spectacular most years and can be viewed from the road or trails . Typical view time is mid-September through first week in October . For foliage reports visit : MaineFoliage . com
Wear blaze orange during hunting season .
Winter Snowshoers and cross-country skiers find beauty and solitude on the trails : 15 miles of xc-ski trails and 6.5 miles of snowshoe trails . Snowmobilers cross the park on ITS-83 .

Services & Facilities

• 30 wooded campsites , each with a picnic table and fire pit .
• Hot showers , flush toilet , and a kitchen shelter with electricity and water are available for use by campers .
• 2 Group camping sites .
• Trailerable boat launch and a hand-carry boat launch . FMI : www . maine . gov / dacf / boatlaunches
• Canoe and kayak rentals during the summer season .
• 3 miles of hiking trails .
• About 15 miles of groomed cross-country ski trails and 6.5 miles of snowshoe trails .
• ITS-83 snowmobile trail crosses through the park .
• Picnicking along Echo Lake .
• Swing set .