ARMY Magazine - Special Issues ARMY Magazine Hoseok Special Edition | Page 10
Optimism takes strength, and he has
shown us just how much of it he has.
Although we know that he has bad
days like anyone else, he still gathers
himself to be the embodiment of hope
for us. We could only wish that he
gives the same encouragement to
himself when facing his own setbacks.
On top of looking after the younger
ones, J-Hope also watches over the
older members just as much.
J-Hope and RM were born
on the same year. RM even mentioned
that if he is fire, J-Hope is water who
‘turns off’ his bad habits; it presents us
the special bond of the two. His rela-
tionship with RM also brings up anoth-
J-Hope can be considered as one of
er personality trait of J-Hope. He helps
the most warm hearted people out
in setting the mood for a lot of the vid-
there. We see it in the way he cares
eos and interviews BTS go through,
for each member and figures out
especially if a member is feeling shy or
what they need even before they ut-
awkward. His developed outgoing
ter a word or finish their sentence. The personality allows him to crack a joke if
bonds he has formed with them are
he needs to, take the lead if someone
immeasurable that even Jimin post-
asks them to dance, and cheer each
ed a whole thread of videos on Twitter member on. RM has even mentioned
when he was missing J-Hope—who
that J-Hope helps him in international
is also his roommate—when the old-
interviews by helping him calm down
er had gone back home. Such an act whenever he feels nervous. They learn
reflected how the two give each other from each other, and RM appreciates
love and affection.
the way J-Hope makes him feel better.
Hoseok also loves to take care of Tae-
hyung, and it’s hard not to notice how
much Taehyung appreciates him.
In fact, J-Hope’s specific caring nature
was showcased in one of the Bangtan
Bomb episodes where Taehyung was
napping, and J-Hope went to kiss him
on top of his head. The tenderness
between the two is indeed endear-
ing. Moreover, Jungkook, the maknae
of BTS, persuaded J-Hope to stay in
the group. From the very beginning,
we could say that he already have that
kind of connection with the youngest
that only got tighter over the years.
J-Hope’s charm also captivated
SUGA. His joyfulness brings out
something special in SUGA, as he
smiles a lot and goofs around
whenever they are together.
SUGA also said that J-Hope
gives him energy, like a battery.
Together, they are dubbed as “Sope”.
When it comes to the eldest member,
Jin, J-Hope also aids in taking the role
of giving comfort to Jin. Jin has been
seen countless times hugging J-Hope
behind the scenes, and it is always
sweet to watch these two play around
and laugh at each other’s antics.