ARMY Magazine - Monthly Issues ARMY Magazine ISSUE NO.7 - JUNE 2019 | Seite 35
Prior to the release of Love Yourself 承
‘Her’, Big Hit Entertainment dropped the
first ever #HYYHTheNotes on Twitter which
was recognized to be part of BTS’ fictional
universe. Officiated as BU since mid-2017,
ARMYs recognized 화양연화 (Hwa-Yang-
Yeon-Hwa or HYYH) era to be the foundation
to this fictional storyline, going way back to
2015 with I Need You MV.
“The Notes” seem akin to diary or journal
BU, or HYYH universe as named by entries, providing a space to imagine the
ARMYs, has led to the speculation of events, while the webtoon in its visual
endless theories, which were being worked complexion exhibits the tension and mood
and reworked, across multiple platforms straightforwardly. Notably, the HYYH
and forums within the fandom. The “Love storyline deals with potentially triggering
Yourself” trilogy showed the official release themes such as abuse, abandonment,
of “HYYH The Notes” (simply known as depression, suicide, mental illness and
“The Notes”) as part of the series’ album death. These themes are also seen
packaging, which consisted of 12 booklets throughout BTS’ BU content-certified MVs,
in total.
Wings short films, Highlight Reels, and
With multiple entries by each of the related videos. While not trivialised, these
seven characters representing individual topics are dealt with in a milder tone within
BTS members bearing their names and age the working backgrounds of “The Notes”.
dynamics, these notes are dated between However, in its representation, “SAVE ME” is
the years 9 and 22. In tandem with the highly graphical which startlingly intensifies
same universe, “HYYH Pt. 0 SAVE ME” Line the plot and its reader’s emotions.
both story formats as
a whole complement
each other’s vividly
dissimilar nature
Webtoon, in partnership with artist LICO,
was released earlier this year, largely set in Amongst the differences between the
two formats, the style of narration is easily
the Year 22.