ARMY Magazine - Monthly Issues ARMY Magazine ISSUE NO.7 - JUNE 2019 | Page 26
Song #1 Intro: Persona
While this song is titled Persona, it is actually about shadow. RM
raps about trying to hide his anxiety and immaturity, but then he
finds a way to embrace them. Befriending your shadow, taking your
feelings and holding on to them in whatever you do, is a huge step
in individuation, a process that Jung believed was the key to truly
loving yourself. While the mask is hiding RM’s insecurities, he also
sings, ‘There’s something that raises me up again,’ but what is it? “In
Jungian psychology, we would call that the Self,” Dr. Stein points out.
“When you’re down, there’s this kind of source of energy, inspiration
that will raise you up again and give you another chance and a new
day.” Still, though, RM wonders ‘Where’s your soul?’ and ‘Where’s
your dream?’According to Stein, it is found in Boy With Luv.
Song #2 Boy With Luv
Dr. Stein found it to be a smart move to have not only a woman
but an American woman as the choice for this role. He feels it is not
only a way for BTS to continue reaching out to their international au-
dience, but having the soul figure as a person of a different culture
and the opposite gender makes her the anima figure. “The fact that
Halsey is American is significant, in that she is the unconscious An-
ima within the Korean collective that is now responding to the call,”
he says. RM called out ‘Where’s your soul?’ and she appeared. Stein
also feels the title of this song is noteworthy, as there is a large dif-
ference between being in love and being with love. “If you’re in love,
you are possessed by an are helpless [and] your ego
is a slave to that emotion,” Stein tells us. To be with love, however,
allows more control as we bring love with us to meet the one whom
we are casting our love upon. According to Stein, this allows the
shared personality that BTS represents to be elevated but not so
out of control that he’s going to “crash and burn and probably bring
her down with him.” Now, he can make a contribution to the world
by offering his love to whoever or whatever deserves it.