ARMY Magazine - Monthly Issues ARMY Magazine ISSUE NO.7 - JUNE 2019 | Page 20
Book Review
Map of the Soul
Our Many Faces
Written by: Marcie | Edited by: Anna Moon & Aury | Design by: Mako
Thanks to BTS and their current album Map of the Soul: Persona, the interest in
psychology has increased, as well as curiosity about its many theories.
While trying to decipher
the lyrics of this most re-
cent album, you may have
asked yourself a few ques-
tions. What is a persona?
How does it relate to the
themes BTS has shown us
in the past? How does map-
ping out your soul, your in-
ner world, affect your jour-
ney as a member of ARMY?
Following our exclusive in-
terview with Dr. Murray
Stein for our WINGS edition,
ARMY Magazine is honored
to present a book review for
Dr. Stein’s latest work, Map
of the Soul – Persona: Our
Many Faces.
As he states in the af-
terword, Dr. Stein was in-
spired to write this book af-
ter learning that BTS’s new
album would be titled Map
of the Soul: Persona (for an
in-depth look at the lyrics of
the album, go to page 24).
He wanted to write a short
book that would allow him to
“present many of the ideas
[he has] worked on for de-
cades” to a younger audi-
ence. He admits to being
excited about the possibili-
ties of younger people seri-
ously exploring these ideas
and allowing themselves
to live a more authentic life
by loving themselves. He is