ARMY Magazine - Monthly Issues ARMY Magazine ISSUE NO.7 - JUNE 2019 | Page 2
We have to admit that when Persona was first announced, every-
thing went into panic mode over here at the metaphorical ARMY
Magazine office. We were expecting it on a different date, just like
the rest of ARMY, but we should have known better; our boys are
known to be chaotic - why would they have held back with this?
When the album dropped, however, we were in no way disappoint-
ed - the start of this new era in BTS’ history was explosive, heart-
warming, and intriguing all at the same time. We got a collab with
Halsey that many ARMYs had hoped for in “Boy With Luv,” a wild
ride in the frantic “Dionysus,” and a startlingly sweet and moving
RM told us that this was an album that only ARMY could fully un-
derstand and appreciate. And he was right.
With this album, BTS presented to us yet another example of how
fond they are of us and how much we mean to them. Another
heartfelt letter to put in our memory box. If that doesn’t inspire us
at ARMY Magazine to produce bigger and better content - content
which makes us proud and is something BTS could be proud of -
we don’t know what does.
As we step into this new era hand-in-hand with BTS, we cannot
wait to see what else they have in store for us. We may have just
celebrated six years with them, but in some ways, it seems like this
is only the beginning.
We hope you enjoy this issue, themed around this start of a new
era, and are as excited as we are to take the next steps with BTS.
Anna & Alex
Planning managers