ARMY Magazine - Monthly Issues ARMY Magazine ISSUE NO.4 - FEB 2019 | Page 31

CONTRIBUTIONS This edition was made possiblle throug1h the hard work from everyone at ARMY Magazine,. Please support u1s so that we willl be ablle to create more edition s. 1 Staff: Akira, Anna, A,pril, A.,ury, Celine, c•ristina A .. , Eli, Kovu, L,eslie, LJ, Na,sty, R:ei, Shay: Aisyah, Alex, Allie, Ame,fy, An.nle, J Anugya, As·hley, Atiqa'h', Ax,e/Je, ,Caitlin, Carol, .Dorie, Emily, Eu.n,f, Fanny, Gemma, lfz½ ,Jann,,ef e, Jasmine,, ,Jaya, Jynx, Kim, Kristy, Kukki, Letia, Lizette� Lizzie, Lucy, Mae, Mako, Marcie, Mariam, Ma(½ Monika, Moum,ita,, Nonye, No,ra,, Olivia ,. Pao , , Sam, Samera, Tea, Vienna,, Vish, We are now accepting dlo,nations, th1rough PayP,al. p,aypal .. me!A.RMYMAGo.fficial 100% of y,01ur ,d,on a tions, go towards fun,ding ARMY Magazine 'Thank you to, everyone who has d,onated .s,o far! uestion1s, sug,g,esti,ons,, c:ollaboration prop,osa ls If you lh,ave a.ny q and an1y ,other enquiry, 1ple,ase feel fre,e t,o get in tou1,ch. Cont,act ARMY Magazine: armymagazineofficial@gmaiil . l com Twitter Fa1ceboo,k I lnst,agram1: @AR MI YMA,Goff·icial Pi,ctur,e credits g,o to, �espe·,ct1ve own,ers. P�ease em1ail us if you w,ould llike to claii1m1 copyn1ghts for an1 im1a,ge found with1in 'lhe magazine.