ARMY Magazine -Issue 12 Dec 2020 | Page 62

Kim Namjoon , RM Hello , we are


Kim Namjoon , RM And this is RM .

Dear class of 2020 , it ’ s been a strange year so far , but you made it . Today , we might not have flowers , and we might not have graduation caps . What we do have is possibly the most special graduation ceremony in history . Never before have so many gathered to celebrate a graduating class for their achievements and their dreams . You can be watching us from your bed or from your living room , alone or with somebody . Wherever you are , you will all soon be breaking out of one world to soar into another .

Ten years ago , it snowed really hard on the day of my middle school graduation . I remember that day clearly because I took a picture with my friends , and kept it as my messenger profile for the rest of my school years . On that day , I was just a boy who had closed just one chapter ready to pen another . And I remember that feeling : It ’ s really thrilling and breathtaking . It was a moment I felt most like me , myself . A feeling I wanted to hold onto forever .

So , as a fellow individual in his 20s , all the way from Seoul , Korea , I want to say : Congratulations . We ’ re very excited for what lies ahead of you . Regardless of where or how far you are , we hope our stories today can give you some sort of comfort , hope , and maybe even a bit of inspiration .

Jeon Jungkook Hello , this is Jungkook of BTS . Congrats , everyone .

Unlike RM , my graduation was recorded online via YouTube on a BANGTAN BOMB . My fellow BTS members were there throughout all my high school years . I remember them saying “ When did you grow old enough to graduate ?” And once the ceremony was over , we went and had jajangmyeon together . I recently watched that video again , and it made me wonder : “ Did that child really grow to become me ?” RM mentioned that he still sees himself in the boy in the graduation picture , but I feel like I ’ ve come a very long way .

All I ’ ve done is continue on , but even today , I continue to learn new things . So here I stand today with my members , with faith in myself , my members , and the world . And I hope you also will do the same for yourself and move forward .