Army Informer August Issue | Page 4

Sony’s conference can be condensed into a few words. Saying nothing, meaning everything. With the spectacular pit fall that Microsoft stumbled into… multiple times, it seems that Sony is in a very advantageous position in regards to consumer opinion. With the PS4 reveal full of game announcements most people were expecting a lack of titles during E3. However what resulted was the exact opposite. An unbelievably large selection of titles were presented back to back in an almost Blitzkrieg fashion. But before I cover the rather extensive list of announced games I first would like to examine what the focus of the conference was. Sony put a lot of emphasis on the fact that the PS4 will fully support indie development, in stark contrast to Microsoft’s more hostile disposition towards self-publishing. At one point in the presentation the developers of these spotlighted indie games (such as Transistor, Raise the Dead etc.) were given a place on the main stage, which as one would imagine, sent a very strong message to those within the indie community.

" Sony's conference can be condensed into a few words. Saying nothing, meaning everything "