Army Informer August Issue | Page 15

Dice succesfully went about nerfing guns and vehicles in certain ways all based on player opinion. What they showed was extremely strong management and concern to popular opinion and so they carefully went about moulding the game to be as good as it could be. This has set them up for an immensely pressurised time working on Battlefield 4 as so much had been created and acheived in BF3 that BF4 had to top it.

EA, DICE and Frostbite created a unison that has so much promise for the future. The only problem that everyone seemed to find with the game is the supression. People demanded it to be reduced and hopefully the request will be granted in BF4.

Whatever the outcome of the new addition to the Battlefield franchise, players will always look back in admiration at Battlefield 3's success which always looked ahead of its time. We will all eagerly await Battlefield 4

Whatever the outcome of the new addition to the Battlefield franchise, players will always look back inadmiration at Battlefield 3's success which always looked ahead of its time. We will all eagerly await Battlefield 4!

Louis Yianni