Army Informer Army Informer August | Page 7

Then there is the odd ball trophies to look forward to; for example the trophy 'BARF!' Here you need to make 6 Wardens puke at the same time in the prison. Wardens? And what prison? Is this the prison that Jack built? Will the Wardens puke on Jack? The “Gardener” trophy has me curious as well, what roots will I need to blast 100 times and why? What will these roots be doing to me! Then there is “Bloodborne”, you need to kill 3 enemies simultaneously while using a single mutated body. Mutated will I be using them? Can I throw one at Blue in co-op?

There are also some old favorites of mine returning like the “Opportunity Knocks” trophy. For this one you need to kill 20 enemies with environmental kills; this translates to “I get to blow stuff up”. In Resistance 2 it was called “Mind Your Surroundings”, but it means the same: blow up as much as your surroundings as possible killing the enemies while you do.

The release of Resistance 3 is only two weeks away, but for me it seems like an eternity. I, 100% can't wait to get my hands on Resistance 3 and platinum up!

Hope to see you there,
