Army Informer Army Informer August | Page 14

How Folding@home works:

Folding@home uses a client-server model where the clients receive a work unit (WU) from the servers, process it and returns the results back to the servers where they are analyzed. Based on the results of the WU, new WUs are created and uploaded to the client and the circle begins again.

In laymans terms:

A WU is a scientific calculation that needs to be performed by a computer. When your PS3 receives the WU, it performs the nesassary calculations needed, sends it back to the client-server who sends it the scientists. The WU is then credited and the points are added to the user configured on the client who sent it and the team they represent.

So while your sleeping or out to eat with the family your PS3s are hard at work for the scientific community.

by jamie-thorn