Army Informer Army Informer August | Page 10


The online Play consists of two sides. There is a Online vehicle MP, in which you take the vehicle combat from the story line, and take it online against friends or people around the world. You will drive your vehicle around in an arena type setting and duke it out with other vehicles. Im not sure yet if there will be vehicle customization, weapon upgrades, etc.

The Second side of the multiplayer is a Co-op feature. You can party up with a friend and play the story line together. Cant seem to get past a certain part? well 2 is always better than 1! Tag team the mission and achieve your goal of beating the mission together.

There are many things still untold about RAGE, as it's release date is set for October 4th, 2011. They dont want to reveal all of their cards, have to keep the buyers interested! This is just a review based on the information provided by the developers in commentary. If you want to acquire more information on RAGE, visit

I hope you enjoyed this Review of RAGE! See you all out on The Wasteland!