Army Europe K-12 PCS INBOUND Handbook PCS Handbook ARMY OUTBOUND SY17-18 | Page 6

12 Tips for PCSing with a

High School Student

High School can be the hardest time for a military child to PCS . They ’ ve worked hard to earn a reputation in their sport or activity and with their teachers . They have friends and a routine they don ’ t want to leave . Switching allegiance from one school to another is hard . Add to all that possible ramifications on their grades and graduation . ( Especially if a move is made without prior planning in regard to the high school student ’ s education ) Following are some things to keep in mind as you move with a high schooler .
1 . Hand carry a copy of school records to include transcript , any withdrawal grades , test scores and any evaluations . This prevents a delay in making course selections and appropriate placement in your new school . Some schools will allow you to register and make course selections prior to arrival if you have some documentation of where you will be zoned , or if there is only one school for that post .
2 . As soon as you are aware you will be moving , it ’ s important to find out the schedule and course offerings at your new school or district . This may save you some trouble and possibly wasted credits when transferring mid-year , especially if you can , prior to PCSing , make good first semester choices that impact mid year moves . High schools typically offer full year , block , or modified block schedules . Most high schools in DoDEA Europe offer modified block which is a combination of year long and semester courses offered on an A / B day schedule . Consider your new school ’ s schedule and graduation requirements when making course selections . If you are moving midyear and your child ’ s school only offers semester courses a student may have difficulty completing a year long course . Ask about partial credit for one semester or transferring into a similar class if the new school doesn ’ t offer your current year long class .
3 . If you need a class that isn ’ t currently offered , consider taking that class on the DoDEA Virtual School . Students have access to online courses which are monitored at the high school .
4 . DoDEA and some states require two years of a foreign language with both years being in the same language . If your child arrives with one year of Chinese , but the new school doesn ’ t offer Chinese he / she may have to start a new language , or perhaps a class in the DoDEA Virtual School may fit the bill here . Consider your options when selecting classes if you will be leaving Europe before those years of a language are completed . Check 50 state HS foreign language requirements
5 . Compare your current school ’ s with DoDEA ’ s graduation requirements . If your child is a senior and you discover the different graduation requirements may mean he / she won ’ t graduate , it is possible in some circumstances to graduate with your previous school ’ s graduation standards in your new school . ( You would receive a diploma from your old school ) Seek assistance from your guidance counselors .
6 . Check out the DoDEA Europe website to find your school ’ s website . It includes a catalog of courses offered at the school as well other helpful information . If you aren ’ t sure which school to check contact the SLO .
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