ARMERIXIA armerixiaNº2 | Page 8

Breaking news! ERASMUS+ provides a unique opportunity for students to participate in international training courses in different European countries. This school-year, five students from Armeria Eskola joined the programme: Irati Maiztegi is in Milan, Andoni Intxausti in Polland, David Aranda in Viena, Jon Egia in Estonia and Victor Cordón in Belfast. We wish them all the best!! Some representatives from Armeria Eskola and several armoury manufactures spent few days in Liege (Belgium) visiting L’École d’Armurerie CES Leon Mignon, a benchmark school in Europe. They had the opportunity of seeing first-hand the school projects and ways of working. Eskolako lankide ohiekin esker oneko bazkaria izan genuen martxoaren 2an. Milesker Joxe Mari Ulazia, Charo Leal, Maria Eugenia Ganboa eta Nicolas Morillo! Eskerrik asko denagatik familia! 08