Armenian Progressive Youth NGO Youth-workers-against-extremism-and-xenophobia-Fin | Page 9

Vitalii Volodchenko is an experienced trainer and the member of Salto Youth TOY. During the recent years, he acted as a trainer on inclusion topics during the Training courses "Professional Video Positive Impact(Bradford, UK)" and " "Camera. Action. Promotion. Impact(Nafpulion, Greece)" and etc. contact: [email protected] Project location information Weather Summer has started in Austria. It should be warm, but the evenings can be chilly. The weather during the project dates will be around +25-27 C. We recommend you to take also warm clothes with you. It also often rains in Vienna. What to bring? The Hostel is located not far from the city center, approximately 2 km. Take your personal clothes, hygiene products, bathroom necessities(Towels, sleepers etc.). The project foresees visit to a museum and city games, so please bring appropriate clothes for walking in the city center. Shop. Be aware that the shops work in Vienna till 20:00-20:30, after that there are only particular places, where the shops are open. On Sunday, and holidays nearly all the shops are closed. Currency: In Austria the official currency is EURO Welcome to Vienna, one of the most beautiful cities of the world 9