Armenian Progressive Youth NGO Info-Pack "Where Does Hate Come From?" | Page 8

ACCOMMODATION The participants will be accommodated in Hotel Capital in Yerevan city centre. Here is the website of the hotel: Address of the Hotel: Aygedzor 53B, Yerevan, Armenia The Capital Hotel is a friendly and comfortable hotel located in Aygedzor area of Yerevan - one of the most beautiful areas in the city centre with a beautiful sight to ravine from balconies. It is located on 10 minutes walking distance from the city centre and 5 minutes from the Metro Station and Lover’s Park. Rooms: The accommodation will be organized in Double and Triple Rooms, 2-3 participants per room. CONTACTS For tickets, logistics and organizational issues ANI KHACHATRYAN (00374) 55 48 06 98, [email protected] For General issues concerning the training course MARIA SIMONYAN (00374) 99 09 02 23 [email protected] In order to reply you promptly and to the point, we advise to send a copy (CC) to the other recipient.