Armenian Progressive Youth NGO Info-Pack "Santa Barbara" | Page 14
Weather in Armenia
Armenia is usually referred to as a sunny country. Its climate ranges from dry subtropical to
cold. The mountain peaks are covered with eternal snow, while their slopes are lined by alpine
meadows. September is the ideal month for visiting Armenia with pleasant temperature and
virtually no rain, except for possible thunderstorms in the mountains.More
Currency in Armenia:
Armenian national currency is
the Dram (AMD). There are
ATM machines and banks all
around the city. Payments with
VISA/Master Card credit cards
are possible in most of the
supermarkets, cafes, shops and
restaurants. For the small local
shops it’s always good to have
some cash. The exchange offices
are located in the banks and
some big supermarkets. No passport is needed to exchange money.
1 EUR – 520 AMD
1 USD – 470 AMD
1 GBP –624 AMD
Ani Khachatryan – Project Manager, Logistics Coordinator
Tel: (00374) 55 48 06 98
E-mail: [email protected]