Armenian Progressive Youth NGO Info-Pack "Santa Barbara" | Page 11
Intercultural Night
During a special evening we will share characteristics from our culture.
We ask you to bring foods and drinks to share! You can also think of
some other things to share with the group from your culture: stories,
dances / songs etc. In case you play an instrument, it might be very
nice to bring it. Just no power point presentation or country promotion
videos, as it would be the best if you can share something in your own
words! By the way, to present something from your culture does not
mean it has to be something from your country: it can also be from a
region, a city etc. To make the Intercultural evening more connected to the topic of the
Training Course, we would like to ask you to pay special attention to the food & drinks &
snacks that you are going to take with you – make sure that you have some typical things that
your family uses and also something very typical that from your city.
Homework and Daily Program
Two weeks before the Training Course we will send you a small homework to complete in your
Country group. The Daily program will be also sent together with the homework.
YOUTHPASS Certificates
All participants will receive a Youth Pass
certificate in the end of the Training
Course. Upon their request participants
will get also Annex to Youth Pass with 8 Key Competences.
Facebook Group
Please join the Facebook group of the project and let’s start getting to know each other. Here is
the link: