Armenian Progressive Youth NGO Info-pack "Extremism? No, thanks" | Page 3
During the Training Course we will look deeper into the issues of extremism, migration, discrimination,
nationalism, intolerance and intercultural misunderstandings. The Training Course will support young
people and active youth workers to learn about the ways of living together, accepting differences and
fighting together against prejudice and xenophobia in these turbulent times
2. The objectives of the Training Course:
With this Training Course we aim to empower youth workers and youth leaders with skills, knowledge
and attitudes to play an active role towards an intercultural society. Our objectives are the following:
- To analyse today’s multicultural society in different countries;
- To gain knowledge on key concepts, such as stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination,
extremism, intolerance;
- To understand the causes of extremism and where they develop;
- To analyse the European values and how they can be used in contrasting those phenomena.
- To promote active citizenship, international dialogue and non-formal education.
- To overview the European programs and create new projects related to the topic.
3. Profile of the participants:
Youth workers, educators and Youth leaders aged 18-35.
Ready to work on the topic of Intercultural Dialogue.
Motivated to transfer knowledge to youth back to their organizations by organizing local projects.
Fluent in English.
Resident of one of the participating countries.
Available for the whole duration of the Training Course.