2 . The objectives of the Training Course :
The objectives of the Training Course are the following :
‣ To develop awareness about personal concepts and believes one has about conflict and habitual ways to react to the conflict ;
‣ To identify effective methods that help to prevent and / or transform conflict through fostering non-violent communication ;
‣ To gain knowledge on key concepts , such as conflict management , conflict transformation , conflict resolution , inner belief systems and non-violent communication ;
‣ To gain tools for non-violent communication and conflict transformation ;
‣ To exchange best practices in relation to youth work and conflict , inter-religious and cultural dialogue ;
‣ To raise awareness of risk factors under which conflicts tend to arise ;
‣ To facilitate networking between participants .
3 . Profile of the participants :
‣ Youth workers aged 18-35 ;
‣ Ready to work on conflict transformation in order to confront extremism ;
‣ Want to transfer gained knowledge to the youth in their organizations and countries ;
‣ Fluent in English ;
‣ Resident of one of the participating countries .
‣ Available for the whole duration of the Training Course .