Arlington Ridge October 20 Newsletter | Page 7


Shar e

SHANE ’ SShar e

Hello Arlington Ridge !
In October we will continue to apply herbicide in the rough but will have to slow down with how aggressive we can be . The growing season is quickly coming to an end which means if we injure the Bermuda turf it will not have time to recover before soil temperatures drop . This could create voids in the turf that would allow other weeds an opportunity to germinate . One of the best defenses against weed pressure is a healthy stand of turf .
Short turf that we plan to overseed will only be able to receive certain herbicides right now because of the residual that would hinder the overseed germination . That being said , the rough will get the next round of pre-emerge to contain weeds and any ryegrass that may escape outside the fairways . We will also have post-emergent herbicide to kill off any of the ryegrass that escapes this year . Having a year behind us now we have much better knowledge of the golf course and we have a great plan to make a positive impact on the weeds year-round .
The last thing we will focus on is getting our next application of fertilizer out to help give the Bermudagrass one last push before the cooler weather and a pre plant for the ryegrass .
Looking forward to the cooler weather and seeing you all out there !
Birdies and Pars ,

Shane Rice

Golf Course Superintendent