Arlington Ridge Newsletter July 20 | Page 7

GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT SHANE’SShar e Shar e June has been a busy month for the Agronomy Team. We have completed our wall to wall preemerge herbicide applications which will help protect us from weeds popping up in the future. In addition, we have completed fertilizing of the entire golf course. We are continually addressing the weed pressure and feel we are making progress on the short grass with the spot sprayer. We have targeted the weed pressure on #5, #16 and #17 with the spray rig in the rough. We feel we are making positive progress on #5 and #17 specifically. We will continue to use the spray rig to target the weeds in the roughs on the worst holes throughout the summer to clean up the golf course. The second green aerification was completed on June 22nd where we used a smaller hole but pulled a much deeper core. This helps us remove the organic matter deep down to ensure long term green health. The holes were less invasive, and the greens should be in great shape by early July. Our third and last aerification of the greens this year will be in early August. We were also able to complete an aerifications of the practice tee and all the tee boxes on the course. Have a great July! Birdies and Pars, Shane Rice Golf Course Superintendent JULY 7 |