Arlington Municipal Airport Development Plan Arlington Airport Development Plan | Page 7

Chapter One ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS The Development Plan process requires a comprehensive collec on and evalua on of data. An analysis of exis ng condi ons is the ini al step in the prepara on of the Arlington Municipal Airport Development Plan. This chapter includes the following informa on: • Overview of the Airport’s role in the na onal, state, regional, and local avia on systems. • Exis ng condi ons at the Airport, including descrip ons of facili es, regional airspace, air traffic ac vity, and other regional airports. • Background informa on regarding the Airport and surrounding area, including regional climate, adjacent land uses, and socioeconomic profile. The informa on outlined in this chapter was obtained through on-site inventory of the Airport, including interviews with airport management and various airport tenants. Addi onal informa on and documents were provided by the Federal Avia on Administra on (FAA), Texas Department of Transporta on – Avia on Division (TxDOT), and North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). AIRPORT ROLE Airport planning exists on many levels, including na onal, state, regional, and local. Each level has a different emphasis and purpose. On the na onal level, Arlington Municipal Airport is included in the NaƟonal Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) and within an FAA report published in 2012 en tled General AviaƟon Airports: A NaƟonal Asset. On the state level, the Airport is included in the Texas Airport System Plan: Update 2010 (TASP). At the regional level, Arlington Municipal Airport is included Chapter One - 1