Arlington Municipal Airport Development Plan Arlington Airport Development Plan | Page 147

Chapter Four DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES The previous chapter outlined airside and landside facili es required to sa sfy avia on demand through the short term (years 1-5) and long term (years 6-10) planning periods of the Development Plan. The next step in the planning process is to evaluate reasonable and prac cal ways these facili es can be provided. The purpose of this chapter is to evaluate varied development alterna ves based on iden fied opportuni es as well as limita ons and constraints at Arlington Municipal Airport. Each alterna ve provides a diļ¬€ering approach to meet exis ng and future facility needs, and those layouts are presented for purposes of evalua on. Some airports become constrained due to limited space availability, while others may become constrained due to adjacent land use development. Arlington Municipal Airport has adequate land available to sa sfy projected avia on demand through the long term planning period of this study. Proper es adjacent to the Airport accommodate a variety of land uses, including commercial, industrial, and residen al. Careful considera on should be given to the layout of future facili es and impacts to poten al airfield improvements, especially those related to the runway and taxiway system. Proper planning at this me can ensure the long term viability of the Airport for avia on and economic growth. The primary goal of this planning process is to develop a viable plan for mee ng the needs resul ng from the projected market demand over the next 10 years. The plan of ac on should be developed in a manner that is consistent with the future goals and objec ves of the City of Arlington, airport users, and ci zens of Arlington, who have a vested interest in the development and opera on of Arlington Municipal Airport. Chapter Four - 1