Arlington Municipal Airport Development Plan Arlington Airport Development Plan | Page 137

AIRCRAFT PARKING APRONS The aircraft parking apron is an expanse of paved area intended for aircraft parking and circulation. Typically, a main apron is centrally located near the airside entry point, such as the terminal building or FBO facility. Ideally, the main apron is large enough to accommodate transient airport users as well as a portion of locally based aircraft. Often, smaller aprons are available adjacent to FBO hangars and at other locations around the airport. The apron layout at Arlington Municipal Airport follows this typical pattern. The total aircraft parking apron area at Arlington Municipal Airport is approximately 50,500 square yards and includes those spaces on the east side of Runway 16-34. A planning criterion of 800 square yards was used for single and multi-engine itinerant aircraft, while a planning criterion of 1,600 square yards was used to determine the area for transient turboprop and jet aircraft. A parking apron should also provide space for the number of locally based aircraft that are not stored in hangars. Locally based tiedowns typically will be utilized by smaller single engine aircraft; thus, a planning standard of 360 square yards per position is utilized. For local tiedown needs, an additional 25 spaces are identified for maintenance activities. Maintenance activities would include the move- ment of aircraft into and out of hangar facilities and temporary storage of aircraft on the apron. The total apron parking requirements are presented in Table 3L. Currently, there are approximately 135 marked positions available for based and itinerant aircraft at Arlington Municipal Airport on the east side of the Airport. As shown in the table, it appears that there are adequate marked tiedown po- sitions available through the planning period of this study; however, there will be a need for additional aircraft parking apron space, especially in the form of large aircraft parking to accommodate jet air- craft. It should be noted that over 20,000 square yards of aircraft parking apron space located on the south side of the Airport is currently leased for development. This further reduces the amount of apron space and tiedowns available for general aviation aircraft, creating a need for additional apron space at the Airport in the future. TABLE 3L Aircraft Parking Apron Requirements Arlington Municipal Airport Currently Available Transient Single/Multi-Engine Aircraft Positions Apron Area (s.y.) Transient Turboprop/Jet Positions Apron Area (s.y.) Locally-Based Aircraft Positions Apron Area (s.y.) Total Marked Positions Total Apron Area (s.y.) *Factors an additional 25 positions for aircraft maintenance Source: Coffman Associates analysis Chapter Three - 45 N/A N/A N/A 135 50,500 Short Term Need 24 19,200 24 38,300 47* 16,900 95 74,400 Long Term Need 27 21,900 27 43,800 43* 15,500 93 81,200