Arlington Municipal Airport Development Plan Arlington Airport Development Plan | Page 115

RUNWAY OBSTACLE FREE ZONE The ROFZ is an imaginary volume of airspace which precludes object penetrations, including taxiing and parked aircraft. The only allowance for ROFZ obstructions is navigational aids mounted on frangible bases which are fixed in their location by function, such as airfield signs. The ROFZ is established to en- sure the safety of aircraft operations. If the ROFZ is obstructed, an airport’s approaches could be re- moved or approach minimums could be increased. The FAA’s criterion for runways utilized by aircraft weighing more than 12,500 pounds requires a clear ROFZ to extend 200 feet beyond the runway ends and 400 feet wide (200 feet on either side of the runway centerline). The ROFZ standards are met on Runway 16-34. A POFZ is further defined for runway ends with a precision approach, such as the ILS approach to Run- way 34. The POFZ is 800 feet wide, centered on the runway, and extends from the runway threshold to a distance of 200 feet. The POFZ is in effect when the following conditions are met: a) The runway supports a vertically guided approach. b) Reported ceiling is below 250 feet and/or visibility is less than ¾-mile. c) An aircraft is on final approach within two miles of the runway threshold. When the POFZ is in effect, a wing of an aircraft holding on a taxiway may penetrate the POFZ; howev- er, neither the fuselage nor the tail may infringe on the POFZ. POFZ standards are applicable only to and met for Runway 34 at Arlington Municipal Airport. RUNWAY PROTECTION ZONE The RPZ is a trapezoidal area centered on the runway, typically beginning 200 feet beyond the runway end. The RPZ has been established by the FAA to provide an area clear of obstructions and incompati- ble land uses, in order to enhance the protection of people and property on the ground. The RPZ is comprised of the central portion of the RPZ and the controlled activity area. The central portion of the RPZ extends from the beginning to the end of the RPZ, is centered on the runway, and is the width of the ROFA. The controlled activity area is any remaining portions of the RPZ. The dimensions of the RPZ vary according to the visibility minimums serving the runway and the type of aircraft (design air- craft) operating on the runway. While the RPZ is intended to be clear of incompatible objects or land uses, some uses are permitted with conditions and other land uses are prohibited. According to AC 150/5300-13A, the following land uses are permissible within the RPZ: • • Farming that meets the minimum buffer requirements, Irrigation channels as long as they do not attract birds, Chapter Three - 23