Arlington Municipal Airport Development Plan Arlington Airport Development Plan | Page 16
The average annual daily high temperature is 77.9 degrees Fahrenheit (F), ranging from 59.3 degrees F
in January to 96.6 degrees F in August. Average low temperatures range between 38.2 degrees F in
December to 75.3 degrees F in August, leading to an average daily low temperature of 57.1 degrees F.
Average annual precipitation in the area is 30.41 inches. Winds in the area are generally from the
south, averaging 9.1 miles per hour.
At general aviation reliever airports such as Arlington Municipal Airport, total annual operations (take‐
offs and landings) and based aircraft are the primary indicators of aeronautical activity. These indica‐
tors will be used in subsequent analyses in this Development Plan to project future aviation demand
and to determine future facility needs.
Annual Operations
Aircraft operations are classified as local or itinerant. Local operations consist mostly of aircraft train‐
ing operations conducted within an airport traffic pattern and touch‐and‐go and stop‐and‐go opera‐
tions. Itinerant operations are arriving and departing aircraft which have an origin or destination away
from an airport.
Aircraft operations are further classified into four general categories: air carrier, air taxi, general avia‐
tion, and military. Air carrier operations are defined as those conducted by commercial aircraft having
a seating capacity of 60 or more and/or a maximum payload capacity of 18,000 pounds. Air carrier op‐
erations do not regularly occur at Arlington Municipal Airport; however, large air cargo operators (des‐
ignated as air carrier activity) have utilized the Airport more frequently in the recent past. Air taxi op‐
erations can include small commercial service aircraft operations, as well as general aviation type air‐
craft for the “on‐demand” commercial transport of persons and property in accordance with Title 14
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 135 and Subchapter K of Title 14 CFR Part 91. The Airport has
averaged over 500 annual air taxi operations in the past.
Military activity has constituted a very small percentage of annual aircraft operations during the past
several years. This activity can include fixed‐wing aircraft, as well as helicopter activity associated with
military operations. The largest percentage of aircraft activity experienced at the Airport falls within
the general aviation category and can range from small aircraft conducting recreational flights, up to
large corporate jets transporting passengers for business purposes.
Exhibit 1C presents historical aircraft operations for Arlington Municipal Airport since September 2006,
which was when the airport traffic control tower (ATCT) became operational. During this timeframe,
annual aircraft operations have averaged approximately 92,000. The Airport noticed a significant de‐
crease in operations beginning in 2008 and continuing again in 2009, most likely due to ailing economic
conditions at the time, as well as the departure of an active flight school. Annual operations have re‐
Chapter One - 10