Arlington Comprehensive Plan Update Adopted 3-17-2015 | Page 56
The value of owner-occupied housing
units is an important determinant of
housing accessibility and affordability.
Housing values have fluctuated
significantly in many housing
markets during the past decade due
initially to the 2004-2006 housing
bubble and then followed by the
subsequent collapse and economic
recession. According to 2008-2012
5-Year American Community Survey
estimates, the median value of an
owner-occupied housing unit in
Arlington is $131,500. The current
value of owner-occupied units in the
city represents a 36.4 percent increase
since 2000.
The location and quality of housing
is fundamental to the health and
well-being of Arlingtonās children,
families, workforce, and elderly.
Housing sites and structures must
respond to the needs to all economic
and demographic segments of the
community. Housing designed
for seniors should be encouraged