Arlington Comprehensive Plan Update Adopted 3-17-2015 | Page 40

Greenway Network Purpose Provide a network of trails and open space throughout the city, creating a space for residents and visitors to enjoy the outdoors. Importance The greenway network can improve public health by allowing residents to get physical exercise close to their neighborhoods. The network can be used for both recreation and transportation and is a key component of the Hike and Bike System Master Plan adopted in 2011. The greenway network is an investment of the City. Trail construction can involve acquiring right-of-way, must be properly engineered, and require maintenance similar to our roadways; however, this is a small cost in relation to the benefits of this citywide amenity including increasing property values, attracting new residents, and bolstering tourism. Strategic Steps to Accomplishment • Plan a phased approach to construction, determining which sections of the network should be completed in five year increments • Acquire necessary right-of-way • Dedicate funding and combine with grant opportunities as they arise • Construct the greenway network • Require developers to provide connections to the network so it can be used as a transportation option • Maintain the network infrastructure and landscaping  34