Arlington Comprehensive Plan Update Adopted 3-17-2015 | Page 32
The following mechanisms will help translate the Comprehensive Plan’s
strategies and actions into implementable measures.
Citizen Participation will build upon the dialogue between government and
citizens that continued through the development and adoption of the Plan. The
city will strive to find improved means to communicate with and involve citizens
in planning and decision-making. The city will also strive to provide information
that can be easily understood and to provide access for public involvement. This
will include processes for amending and implementing the Plan.
Neighborhood Planning will further efforts aimed at reinvigorating the city’s
neighborhoods and ensuring sustainability by leveraging resources, increasing
citizen participation and encouraging community stakeholder collaborations.
Zoning decisions will further promote the health, safety and general welfare
of Arlington residents and implement the policies and objectives of the
Comprehensive Plan.
Supplementary Plans, Ordinances, and Initiatives will be adopted when
necessary to conform to the goals and strategies in this Comprehensive Plan.
These documents provide detailed policies and strategies for the city’s growth.
A Capital Improvement Program creates a framework for making resource
allocation decisions in an environment where wants and needs always exceed
the finite resources available. Investment choices should be made to achieve the
Plan’s goals.