Arlington Comprehensive Plan Update Adopted 3-17-2015 | Page 21
totals in the last decade. Between 2000
and 2010, residential construction
trends have favored single family
development over multi-family
development. For example, year-end
2000 housing estimates indicated a
housing mix of 62.5 percent single
family and 37.5 percent multi-family
housing units. By 2010, the housing
distribution had shifted to 68.8 percent
single family and 31.1 percent multifamily housing units.
Employment – Including institutional
and non-profit establishments,
Arlington had four employers with
more than 2,000 employees in 1991.
By 2010, Arlington had six such
employers. The 11 largest employers
(over 1,000 employees) accounted for
approximately 29,700 of the 192,254
estimated jobs in 2010. However, the
vast majority of these jobs was largely
part-time and seasonal or represented
institutional/public sector employees.
The remaining large employers were
in the finance, insurance, or medical
related industries.