Arizona in the Saddle | Page 37

fine for a few, but it was starvation for the overall lot. Just enough was being paid out to keep them coming back—with hopes it would be their turn to win the next show; kind of like dangling the proverbial carrot. All of this changed however in 1936. That was the year professional rodeo was born. Rodeo organization was actually started in the Northern states in 1929 with the formation of the Rodeo Association of America (RAA). This association was made up of managers and producers and did not include the cowboy in decision making and therefore was often contentious, seldom recognized and eventually it was merged with the Cowboys Turtle Association (CTA). Who were the CTA? Well it all started at the Boston Garden, 1936. The cowboys were fed up with one Colonel William T. Johnson of Texas; promoter and organizer of major rodeos such as Madison Square Garden and the Boston show. While Johnson had a knack for producing spectacular shows and attendance was usually high, he refused to listen to the complaints of the cowboy. So they went on strike, demanded their entrance fees be added to the payout and that standard rules and judging be implemented. Johnson was livid and told the cowbo