Arizona FIlmmaker September/October 2013 | Page 19

INDUSTRYINSIDER Put one person in charge of digital files. This is a big one. The camera assistant or DP will hand off the full SD cards to the DIT. The DIT will load, organize and label the footage. As an example, label by film title, date, roll, camera, scene, take - just like on the slate. There should be a folder for each scene labeled Scene 1, Scene 2… This footage should then be sent to the editors. Get as much of that done as possible, as early as possible. Don’t wait till the last minute for anything. recognize it. We were able to pull the footage in thru iMovie, then export it, and then import to FCP but, it took time to learn that method, and the method itself took time. You don’t want to be wasting time or adding steps on a 48 hour film challenge, or any film, for that matter. decisions. There is a hierarchy and it will be followed. If everyone does their job with a smile and an attitude of gratitude, it will be a much more pleasant experience. You can hook a camera to the computer via cable, or insert a card into a reader. Most computers come with SD Card slots these days. Make sure you have the cables and/or slots required for the media on hand. You don’t want to finish shooting RESPE ??T??&T?SQB?Y?[?H\?H???YYY??] [?H?[?HX][????\?[????[???\?[?\??)??] [?H?[???H[??]???\??Y?[?H\?H???YYY ?]\?????\??Y???Y[?H?YY?[ ?Y?[?H\?H???YYY[?[?\???][??YHY?[?H?[??XY[?\??]??Y[?K?[?]\H?^??][????????TUT?????T?H ??SQT?T??\]\??[????\?H]\??H??\]X?K?Y?[?H]?H[?H[??HY]?XZ?H?\?H^H]?H??\]X?H\??\?H[????\?K?Y??H\?\?[???? ??HXX?[?H?\?\?\?[??Y?H?[ZY\??H?[?H\?H??[???]?H??[\?Y?[?H\?H\?[??[?H[??H?[Y\?KXZ?H?\?HH?[Y\?\?\?H??\]X?K???H??? ?HYH?X[?[Y\?H?H?\????YH????[??H?[??[\?H???Y?K?HX\??Y]?[?[?]??[?????\???[?][?H]?H???^H??][??H???Y?H???HH?[Y\?H?H??\]\???[Y[X?\?[?x?&\?H[???[????\?H??[[???[ ?Y?[?H????\?H?[\H?\?]?[Z[?[Z^?HH??[\?[?X^[Z^?H[?\?Y??????\?XZ?[??H????[H?[YK????T?H?SHS?H??? HURQUHPT?B???\??[Y[??????\Z[?????[?[?????] ??????[??\ ?Y?[?H?]\[??[?H\?H??H?] ??H?]??)?H\?X??\?[??\??H[?XZ?\?[?[?[??