Arizona FIlmmaker September/October 2013 | Page 11

INDUSTRYINSIDER the film benefited for it. Not that I’d like to do that again, but with no money you find creative ways around problems rather than just throwing money at it or fixing it in post. Like Jaws, if the damn shark had worked from the beginning it would be a drastically different film. Are there any special effects in the film? If so who was your special effects supervisor and what made them the right person for the job? We do have some nifty special effects shots in the film and I hope you never notice which ones they are. If you don’t we did our job correctly. Adam Benson was our special effects supervisor in production and he was great, fresh and hungry. In post production Frank DiBugnara took over as producer of post production and he really wore a lot of hats, including seeing the post production special effects through to completion. He’s a genius and an overlooked master right here in Phoenix. POSTPRODUCTION: Your Kickstarter is specifically focuses on post production, mainly marketing. Where do you plan to promote the film other than Facebook and Twitter? We need to come up with some fantastic artwork for the DVD and poster. That’s number one along with a fantastic trailer. That’s where we really need the money. We have a great Brothers’ Ink guy right here in town on our team that works for Disney as an Illustrator, named Adam Devaney. He will be our go-to guy on this stuff and his work is phenomenal. How long have you been in postproduction? About 4-6 months. While in post did you have to make any last minute changes to the story? If scenes had to be cut will we see any deleted scenes on the Locker 13 website? In pos ?H]?HXYH??YH?\?H\?X?\?[???]x?&[H?\?H?Y??^H]?HY??&]???H??^?H???Y?H]\??&][?H?[K??HY[????\?Y][????\???Y\?[??\??X?[???]?\???X?[?^\??[?\??[??\????X?K???T??P?US?????[?H[??\??X?]H???\? L???H[??H?[\HX]?X?[?[X\?H[?\??[??\??[ X^X?HH???]?H?]??]Y\?[?[?H?[???]?^H\??Y]?? ?X?H[?[??[\?Y\?Z?H?]?^[?[X^????[H?[H?H?X?Z]Y?[?H?\?]?[?????UT?HS?S?S??\?H[?H???[???[?H?\???X???\?Y\????\? L???H]?H????X???]?\???X?\???Y?????H\??Z[?????Y\?Y?H[X\??[???X?\?[??XH????\?[?H?\??[K?\?Y??\?[[^H]?\??[??[?????[H?]?Z[H\??\??[?H?]\?Z?Y[\?[??Y\\??]?H?[\?[??\??X?[????]?YY\??\?H\?H[?H?\?X[Y??X??[?H?[O??\??\?X[Y??X???\?H?\\??\?Y[??? ?][??H?\????\????????X?[??Y[?H???H?Y[??Y] ??\?HHY]??H[?H\???[??X?O??\?HY[?H?X??HQ???]???\?HY[?H\?H?Y]H??X???X??\?X[Y??X?????[\? Y?[?JHY[?H\?O??\????\?H\??[Y?][\?H[??[?^[??H\?Y?[?[?]?Y]H?[K??HYX???][H??Q???H?[K?]8?&\?[]?H???HH?] ????\[X?\? ? L??V??SSPR?T? LB??