OHI Casting Kit
The Arizona AFO ® Casting Kit includes all necessary materials required to make an AFO cast using the advanced STS ® Casting Sock System .
Casting Guide / Supplies
The brace you order from Arizona AFO ® is 100 % custom made to the cast you provide , so if the cast does not represent an accurate likeness of the patient ’ s anatomy , the brace will not fit perfectly . Obtaining an appropriate cast of your patient is very important . To assist with this , Arizona AFO ® has developed a Casting Guide Booklet and a step-by-step video located at : www . youtube . com / arizonaafo as a useful reference tool .
STS ® Casting Socks
Fitted polyester casting sock available in mid-leg lengths for use in obtaining molds for custom ankle foot orthotic devices . The various sizes cover the broad range of applications needed by the practitioner to achieve the best possible fit and finish for their respective molds .
Items included in the OHI Casting Kit :
1 . Casting Board
2 . Medium Mid-Leg STS Casting Sock ( 2 )
3 . Plastic Cutting Strip 4 . Cutting Tube 6 . Letter Opener 7 . Casting Guide Booklet 8 . Plastic Bag ( 2 ) 9 . Indelible Pencil