Aries Magazine December 2013 / January 2014 Issue | Page 34

Man Skills Admittedly, in our current world, the thickheaded male perspective of “this is a man’s job and that is a woman’s job” is thankfully dwindling by the day, but there are still a great deal of guys out there who remain unfamiliar with this list of useful skills for one reason or another. Don’t be one of those guys. Gift Wrapping Yes, you can always just go with a gift bag stuffed with tissue paper but there’s undoubtedly going to be a gift-giving moment in your life where an item is too large to fit in a bag and/or you just want to wrap it, for whatever reason. Truthfully, the skill is not all that difficult to master but it is something that many guys will disregard as, especially around the holidays, there’s no shortage of places offering to wrap a present for a small fee. This is foolish and wasteful. Gift bags and paying someone for five minutes of department store labor each cost more than a roll of wrapping paper. You’ve got ten good fingers and a brain; let’s put them to work. od. To not know is just lazy (unless you’re rich and can afford to have your important clothes dry cleaned and pressed, weekly… then the ignorance is acceptable, I suppose). Sewing Though it is the most attractive and accessible selling point of this skill, “mending clothes” is far from the most valuable aspect of knowing how to sew. Sewing is a tool of creation more than repair. Whether it’s adding patches to a backpack or jacket, reupholstering a pillow or cushion, helping piece together a cool Halloween costume for you or a friend, or actually turning a pile of assorted supplies into something, sewing is an artistic and engineering trade well worth learning. The Internet is overflowing with interesting Ironing homemade projects that involve sewIroning is, by far, the easiest skill to ing in a big way; turning t-shirts into learn on this list. I don’t know how tote or messenger bags and making much elaboration is needed on this custom soft cases for your cell phone one. You’ve all seen this done, in or digital camera are just a few of the practice: you take the wrinkles out eminently useful results your needleof your clothing with heat, steam, work can yield. and pressure. As a result, you look However, the most valuable like a much more capable adult with underrated feature of this skill, for your sharp slacks and whatnot. Even most men, is alterations (note: differthough this is still regarded as a duty ent from repairs). Hemming pants or traditionally carried out exclusively shorts is something to which anyone by women, every guy over the age of with a non-action figure body can 14 should know how to iron. PeriD E C 2 0 1 3 & J A N 2 0 1 4 / ARIES 3 3 relate, on a regular basis. In last-minute situations, knowing how to take in or let out slacks will save a lot of discomfort and stress (for future reference, though, it’s better to just try on your tuxedo a week or so before the party/wedding/whatever). Gardening/Landscaping Before we get going on this one, here’s a weird observation: gardening (in terms of flowers, vegetables, herbs, etc.) is generally always associated with women while landscaping is always associated with men. Hmph. Disregard both of these established stereotypes – everyone should learn this trade. Despite being maybe the most specialized (meaning it certainly isn’t applicable to everyone) and physically demanding entry on the list, knowing how to deal with grass and plants is invaluable in several unique ways. First, if you need a job and know your way around landscaping, you will always – repeat: ALWAYS – be able to find someone willing to pay you money for honest work (keep the immigration jokes to a minimum). Whether it’s pulling weeds, spreading mulch, trimming hedges, spraying for deer, watering plants while a neighbor is out of town, or just cutting grass, you will never have to travel far to find somebody in your area who is actively looking to pay for lawn care. Take it from a guy who has lived his entire life in the suburbs of the suburbs where multiple-acre lots and older couples are everywhere: there is no off-season for landscaping and no shortage of demand for this trade. Secondly, if you care enough to grow your own vegetables or fruits (keep it holy, now), you can save yourself a ton of money and maybe even make some, on the side. Organic, naturally grown food is all the rage, now, and if you manage to pull it off well, you can sell some of your handiwork and/or give it away as a gift. Finally: knowing how to garden and landscape will make you feel better, overall. The benefits of exercise while working outdoors with your hands are obvious. The feeling of acc omplishment when you are eating a tomato that you planted and grew cannot be measured. The sense of self-reliance from growing your own food will be a rather new and fantastic sensation if you’re one of the many people who have lived off of grocery stores for your whole life (a group I’ve been in for quite some time). Cleaning/Organizing Let me just say: I love cleaning and organizing. I don’t know why but I have always gotten a great deal of satisfaction out of it. Whether it’s dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing a sink, alphabetizing DVDs, or separating greeting cards by occasion, I never fail to enjoy it. The notion of a cluttered desk or office leading to a cluttered mind absolutely plays a part in this activity and when you yourself are the one who can cut through that sea of artifacts congesting your everyday life… that’s just like rebooting your brain (in addition to the obvious bonus of having your room/ house not look like an exploded thrift store) and the cleansing nature of getting rid of all those cobwebs can be a pretty powerful psychological achievement that lingers positively for days. That being said, the biggest reason why knowing how to really clean and straighten a place up is because of the skill’s many functions outside your own living quarters. You can obviously make money as a housekeeper, either on a routine basis or in a one-time “I’ll pay you to help me clean out my garage and organize my closet” gig. Wealthy people will be the first to tell you that they have way too much stuff and, because they have disposable income, they are always looking to pay someone to solve this problem for them; if you get good at cleaning and make a connection or two, you can make some sweet part-time money. At work, if the copy room or some file cabinet is always a horrendous mess of crap – you can instantly identify yourself as someone with initiative and reasonable know-how in the realm of organization and order by cleaning it up (you’ll also get a lot of gratitude on the side, from co-workers who were also fed up with the unkempt workspace). Finally, I have personally learned about an interesting application for this particular expertise: when staying at someone’s house or apartment during a trip, the most effective way to thank them for their hospitality is to clean up their place for free (usually when they’re out of the house and you have nothing better to do). As long as you don’t intimate that the clean-up was a huge hint regarding their lifestyle, they will appreciate it and you will not feel so bad about sleeping on their couch for a week or ten days. Cooking This one is absolutely the most useful, most valuable, and biggest money-saving skill you can cultivate. Not knowing how to cook is like not 34 knowing how to exercise – you will be ruined, at some point, without it. Rather than me listing the endless amount of reasons why you should know how to cook, let’s view the three most common male arguments against it and point out just how dumb they are. “Cooking takes too long. I just want to eat now.“ There are thousands of great meals you can make in less than 15 minutes. The Food Network (that is, the television station/website based solely on the idea of cooking) has an entire section dedicated to disproving the notion that cooking your own meals takes too much time. By the way, do you know the name of that food which is always instantly available? Fast food. Eat that on a regular basis and let me know just how much you accomplished in all that time saved. Additionally: we have these things called refrigerators (at least, we do around here) that allow you to *gasp!* store food for later meals, thus providing you the opportunity to prepare a lot of food all at once. I think trading 30 minutes for seven nights of dinner is a fair trade, don’t you? And if you don’t like looking at men while working with food, there’s a pretty good chance you’d sit and watch Giada de Laurentiis or Nigella Lawson (my personal favorite) do anything anyway, so at least tune in and learn a few recipes, will you? Knowing how to cook will save you money, it will generally lead to you eating healthier and feeling better, it will impress a lot of people (ladies and gentlemen, alike), and you’ll be a better man for it… or, at the least, a man with a more interesting diet. ARIES / DEC 2013 & JAN 2014