Aries Magazine December 2013 / January 2014 Issue | Page 160

On The Way Workout Pre-Party at the Gym! Easiest way ever to boost your workout results: Listen to fast-paced tunes as you’re heading to the gym and changing in the locker room. “Up-tempo songs will increase your breathing, heart rate, and muscular tension and stimulation the production of adrenaline,” says Costas Karageorghis, PhD, Author of Inside Sport Psychology.”All those things make exercise feel easier and help you go harder and longer.” 15 THE CELL PHONE The more time you spend on your phone— texting, talking, Words With Friend-ing—the less you spend being active, according to a new Kent State University study of the lifestyle habits of college students. To minimize phone-ralted weight gain, max out at one hour of cell time a day. And keep your cell tucked away when you’re walking or working out. You’ll move faster if you’re not glued to your phone. Some of us want avoid the tredmil as much as possble. Well we have away for you too! PARK & RUN Instead parking your car at the gym park it two or three blocks away from your gym and take a jog. By the time you get there you will ready for the weights JET LI EFFECT If you feel comfortable to do this, climb and jump walls. Anything in your way, find away to over come the obstacle. It’s great for a mental workout as well. Bike The Way Even though it is getting colder, riding your bike to the gym will get your heart going. Your legs and arms will be ready for the reps that you are looking forward too! source: Andrew Lepp, PhD, Assc. Pro. at Kent University #SUPERSUCKS #FLIGHTDELAY #HOWTODEAL SO WHAT IF THE OTHER PASSENGERS STARE! SNEAK IN SOME CARDIO AND STRENGTH MOVES WHILE YOU’RE STUCK AT THE AIRPORT Terminal Toners : With you back against the wall, knees bent, 90 degrees, raise arms to shoulder height and hold as long as you can. DEC 2013 & JAN 2014 / ARIES 159 160 ARIES / DEC 2013 & JAN 2014