Aries Magazine December 2013 / January 2014 Issue | Page 130

OVER THE RAINBOW by Bianca The New Girl We Know How You Feel Missy So we have all been there. First day on the job, you don’t know anything or anyone. You come dressed your best and you smile like an idiot at everybody, because you want to make friends. Throughout the day you are asked questions and you are examined and judged by what you say. You go home and review your answers, come up with better ones and kick yourself for not saying more. That first day on the job determines how you will be treated and what you will let fly. This is a very nerve racking procedure and causes immense stress atop everything the job demands of you. So let us rewind and take some steps back. First day on the job, you feel secure about yourself in your lovely outfit, you smile because you are confident and instead of waiting for people to ask you questions, poke and prod, instead you examine everyone there, and you ask the questions and examine them. You want to know who you’re dealing with before you start talking about yourself. You aren’t going to bend over backwards for everyone and you want to eliminate the risk that comes with being taken DEC 2013 & JAN 2014 / ARIES 129 advantage of. My first day on the job of a very chic boutique, I came in kissing up to everyone, smiling and found myself unable to refuse any requests that were asked of me and I answered all of the questions Flo asked of me. In turn the information got back to me, only it was obscured and misleading. I was a total push over and that was how everyone treated me my entire stay there. Later on my next job I turned everything around, when asked very sensitive information I laughed it off and then asked them the same question after giving a very vague answer, when asked to do ridiculous requests from non managers I simply stated that I was too busy and that was the truth. I kept my smile and asked questions that required a conversation to make friends. I have never given out much information about myself and that is not actually a bad thing. I don’t mind talking about anything I don’t care about getting repeated; I have trained myself to handle stress well and to be more comfortable and confident in my own skin. You know right away who the people are that are going to give you trouble and you stand firm and continue to smile day after day, never showing a hint of weakness because that is when they will sense it and feed off of it causing your day to become a hassle. People are just people. You aren’t going to spill your secrets to the office gossip queen, or confide in the most depressing person in the office, learn by observing and examining and then with a smile and great attitude everything comes fairly nicely. It takes work, but learning to love a job you may just hate can be a tad easier if taken in strides. Word Of The Month BENEVOLENCE Benevolence n. An inclination to perform kind, charitable acts. A kindly act. A gift given out of generosity 130 ARIES / DEC 2013 & JAN 2014