Aries Magazine December 2013 / January 2014 Issue | Page 122

Roller-coaster O By: ALLISTER DEAN lder is probably better. That’s what I told myself after my “kiss of death” moment. Guys in thirties should have their life in order and know exactly what they want. Deciding to persue an older guy. I met *Colby, a man who was thirty-two and very built. It was a step up from guys that were in the past. Laughing over jokes and nearly spilling my sex on the beach. He finally asked me for my number. He really enjoyed spending the night with me at the club and like to see more of me. Blushing and couldn’t help smiling, I told him, “well when did you want to see me again?” He said “how about tomorrow, dinner at BJ’s, say around 7pm” Giving him the okay nod , I hugged him and left the bar. The first one to get to resturant, ordered a cosmo and looked over the menu. He arrived only a few minutes after, sat down, and asked how I was doing. The conversation picked up exactly where we left off from last night. Just listening to him and watching his mannerism was simply making me hot and sweaty. *Colby was a beer kind of man, but knew how to dress himself. Which is very rare to find in a man that acts so DEC 2013 & JAN 2014 / ARIES 121 straight. That was a major plus! This guy could not take his eyes off of me even when a hotter guy walked past. The feelings that he was passing through me, which I don’t think he knew he was doing, was so hard to hold back. I wanted to take him on this table and didn’t care who saw. HAHA. We talked about careers, goals, even kids....yes kids! Something that was very forbidden for me to discuss was now open for discussion. But before we could finished the subject our food had come. He ordered the Salmon and for myself it was a club sandwich. The more we talked the deeper our conversation became. The only thing that was getting us even further was the waiter coming up to check on us every 15 mins. Asking *Colby if he was okay, he replied that he was very rude to keep interrupting us. Understanding his frustration I kept the convo going. Reaching for the check as it was placed on our table, *Colby swiped it up and said....”NO, NO. This is all on me.” I didn’t argue about the choice. He asked what I was doing after this. “Nothing.” He asked if I wanted to go back to his place and continue our conversation. Memorized by the offer and saying “of course” I follow him out the door and to his house. Candles were lit and music was played the mood was simply set. As he was pouring a glass of wine the question was asked about relationships and what I was looking for. What was I going to say. “Why don’t we just find out.” After that night, we saw each other off and on and text messages convos were the best. I wanted to take the relationship to the next step, seemed like he was feeling the same way. “So would you consider me your boyf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?X\?\?HYK?^\?Y[??H]?\?] ??]\?[???????YX??H??\?^Z[??]?HX\??H?[?Y??YX??H??Y[?XYH?Y[?\?H[???]?????\???YH[?H?]X][??]?\?[?Y\?H?YY?[\ ?B??X[H?\?H?]?]?Y??H?][?????\??^K??B?H??\?X??\?\?\?H\??X???^H?\??X?H\?[???[?\??B??^HH?\?XZ?[??YH?Y[[?[????[??YHZ?H??X??H?[???X??^H??XX?]H]H?^H?\?Y?H???Y][??\?Z?H\??YK???]?\?Y?Z[???????[??H?]?B??L????T?QT????P? ? L? ??S? ? M??