Aries Magazine December 2013 / January 2014 Issue | Page 106

Q Q. I have stretch marks on my body, and it makes me really uncomfortable while I am changing clothes in front of my boyfriend. How do I tell my boyfriend to not watch me while I change? E LOVE ADVIC ’S CUPID FROM RENO RG DAVID HEXBE A. I hate to break it you, but hav- ing your guy always turn around or never look at you while you are changing is probably getting old and probably makes him think that he’s shallow if he ever saw your marks. Most guys don’t care for detail, all they see is a hot guy who is down in his underwear in front of him. If he really did mind it, he wouldn’t be with you. My BF watches porn, which I’m okay with, but he favors porn with built, skater-type, blondes. I’m average, preppy, and burnette. What does this mean? A. All it means is he is dating a preppy, average, guy. If you were a built, skating guy, I have a hunch you boyfriend would tend to watch porn featuring what you look like. It is natural for men to fantisize about having what they don’t already have There are some guys are attracted to specific physical characteristics in men, but in reality, most guys have one type and that type is hot. I have no doubt your boyfriend thinks you are hot. Now, here’s one more tip for how to fell less insecure: Quite looking at your boyfriend’s browsing history, you snoop. DEC 2013 & JAN 2014 / ARIES 105 Q. My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year now, yet I haven’t met anybody important in his life—not his family.. nobody. Is he hiding something and how can I find out. A. Either he is hiding you from Does This Make You Hot! them, or them from you. He probably is not sure about how each of you will react to one another. That is a sign that he really cares for you and wants to make sure nothing screws it up. Try to have a party and suggest that you will invite your friends and he do the same. Maybe then he will feel more comfortable about who he wants you to meet. Q. Sometimes my guy goes out to bars with guys that he works with. Knowing that the guys he hangs out with are gay, I trust him but not them. They are extremely flirty toward him Should I be worried? reers but not sexually appealing. I really want the whole package but can’tseem to find it. Am I being to picky? A. No matter how trustworthy your boyfriend is, if you mix alcohol and a fiirty coworker enough times, something bad will eventually happen. The key to staying faithful isn’t simply to have willpower, but to spot situations that could lead up to cheating. Regardless, don’t demand that he should not hang out with them anymore. Talk to him about how it makes you feel, but he probably knows. Q. I met a man on OkCupid six months ago, and we really hit it off. We talk every day but have never met in person. We’ll make plans, but he always cancels last minute or says he’s too tired from work. Should I give him an ultimatun meet me in person or we’re done? A. It could be a number of things. He could scared, lying to you about his profile, or married. Usually if a guy is on those dating sites, it means he is looking to meet people. It seems that he is stringing you along. Be honest and tell hm that you are ready to meet. Be ready for you answer and your next step. Q. I meet a lot of guys, but they all seem to have qualities that turn me off. They are either really good-looking and are struggling professionally or extremely successful in their ca106 A. Wanting a guy who is stable and good looking is not picky at all—in fact, it’s pretty normal. Try to set the bar lower than untameable for guys to reach. As long as a guy has the basic qualities you want, then he is a good guy to get to know. Q. People keep telling me that I’m intimidating to guys. What does that mean? I’m extremely ambitious at work—could that be a problem? A. It means that your friends are not telling you what the real issue is. Maybe you constantly talk about your job when you go out with guys. In that case. they’re not intimidated. They are just bored. Really sit down with your friends and ask them what their definition of intimidating means. As for the guy, if you are ambitious out your career don’t waste your time on him Q. He says he wants a break but says he hasn’t met someone new. What is going on? A. He’s telling the truth, but that doesn’t mean things are okay. For starters, he may be wondering whether your relationship has run it’s course. So he’s attempting to see what else is out there, while keeping the option of you two open. If he can’t give a reason, make it permanent break. ARIES / DEC 2013 & JAN 2014