Volume 1 , Issue 1
Buenos Aires is the dark gold star near Uruguay .
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Argentina is the largest Spanish speaking country in Latin America . It is different from the other countries , however , because most of its population is European descent . 97 % of Argentina ' s population has an European descent . Because of its long length , Argentina is divided into four sections . Section one is a northern land of tropical weather and swamps . Area 2 is the mountainous , wooded area near the Andes mountains . Area 3 is the far south , and cold place . Area 4 is the area surrounding the capital , Buenos Aires . This area is the most populated area because of its fertile soil . Argentina has many lakes and has the second largest river base in Latin America , next to the Paraguay- Parana-Uruguay river base . It runs through the northern Chaco region and drains into the Rio de Plata near Buenos Aires . The population of Argentina in 2009 was 40,913,854 . Their capital , as you may have guessed , is in Buenos Aires . The area of Argentina is 1,703,518 square miles . The coastline of Argentina is 3,100 miles . The highest point in Argentina is a mountain called Aconcagua , and it is 22,834 ft . The lowest point in Argentina is the Laguna del Carbon , and it is -344ft
Argentina is located in southern South America . It is located on the east of Chile , the west of Uruguay , and south of Bolivia and Paraguay .
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