Are we safe? Vol. 8 No. 5 May 2024 | Seite 4


Free and open what ?

Free and open Indo-Pacific .” With no full understanding of it , we often hear this catchphrase from every Pacific island leader and every official in Washington . We read it in every Pacific-related policy like a dystopian slogan now planted into our consciousness . It ’ s a nebulous concept , which officials sum up to mean : “ We follow the rules of law and keep the regional order .”

While tackling its abstractness , we settle for a simpler view . “ Free and open Indo-Pacific ” means , “ We want China out of this region ”— even though it is oft-repeated by FSM leaders who simultaneously reaffirm their “ great friendship with China .”
Which makes us think the phrase is free and open for interpretation .
At the community level , we want to make it simple . We want a free and open government , which entails freedom of information and openness to the public .
Since battle preparations on Guam are a component of the regional goal to maintain a free and open Indo-Pacific , island residents deserve to know what ’ s in store for them behind the combat planning and amid the impending influx of the Marines . Openness requires more than perfunctory press releases and smiling photo ops .
The Civil-Military Coordination Council , which used to hold quarterly meetings , now meets every month . After each meeting , we receive a press release in which they report that they just had a meeting .
“ Gov . Leon Guerrero thanked the attendees for their participation in the
council and expressed her hope for more frequent meetings .”
“ I do not think we can overstate the value of these meetings ,” Rear Adm . Gregory Huffman , commander of the Joint Task Force Micronesia , said .
The latest press release enumerated the following topics on the agenda : defense construction updates , labor shortage and housing markets .
“ Communication and collaboration are two pillars of our joint efforts , and this council is an important venue to pursue fearless and important dialogue for the betterment of the island as a whole ,” Huffman said in the press release .
We get it . You meet and enjoy one another ’ s company . But details of the planning and solutions leave much to be desired . Not even a sketch .
Openness doesn ’ t mean making yourselves visible behind the glass wall inside a soundproofed conference room .
The working groups , according to the press release , include local government agency leaders and Department of Defense personnel . Note the absence of community representation that renders “ communication and collaboration ” exclusive to those with reserved seats .
The coming years are hazy for Guam residents . The Marines are scheduled to begin arriving early next year . More federal dollars are coming in , but how will they be leveraged to manage the quality of life outside the fence ?
What are the plans to address the expected road traffic explosion ? What are the plans for residents who are on the verge of becoming homeless due to the shortage of affordable housing ? What are the contingency plans to ensure people ’ s survival in the event of a war ? Where do people run for refuge ?
Sure . There are plans . Maybe . There should be , given all the meetings . We just don ’ t hear about them .
But even if there are no plans , we still deserve to know . Like Orwell said , “ If liberty means anything at all , it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear .”
*** Speaking of Orwellian tricks …
The Department of the Interior has taken down from its website a document that spelled out Washington ’ s policy against allowing Guam and U . S . territories ’ participation in international organizations . “ It ’ s a 13-year-old policy ,” DOI Press Secretary Giovanni Rocco told us , demanding that we “ take down the story ,” or “ revise it thoroughly ” and change the headline , which read : “ Washington nixes Guam and American Samoa ’ s bid for PIF membership .”
He said it was misleading and raising concerns . I asked if there was a policy change . He repeated that the policy has been in place since 2011 . I asked again if there was a policy change . I emailed a couple of follow-up questions but Rocco insisted that I take down the story first before they “ further engage .”
He asked if I was comfortable with writing about a 13-year-old document . Yes , I said , especially if nobody was aware of the document ’ s existence for 13 years .
Our story has stayed on our website . They stopped engaging and removed the policy document from their website . Obviously , this is their idea of clarifying a policy . “ Nineteen Eighty-Four ” comes to life . The myth of free and open society .
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