void Reset(int playerCurrentlyScored)
if (playerCurrentlyScored == 1)
digitalWrite(playerOne, 1);
currentPosition = playerOne;
willTheBallGoTowardsPlayerTwo = true;
else if (playerCurrentlyScored == 2)
digitalWrite(playerTwo, 1);
currentPosition = playerTwo;
willTheBallGoTowardsPlayerTwo = false;
delay(1000); //Are three seconds enough for players to process the score? ////////////
millisecondsPerLED = initialMillisecondsPerLED; //Sets speed to initial value at the beginning of each round.
deltaMillisecondsPerLED = initialDeltaMillisecondsPerLED;
void EndGameCeremonyFor(int winner)
FlashAllLEDs(50, winner);
scoreOfPlayerOne = 0;
scoreOfPlayerTwo = 0;
void TurnOnAllLEDsForPlayer(int player)
if (player != 1) //When this method is called with (2), only these pins(player two's) will turn on
digitalWrite(4, 1);
digitalWrite(5, 1);
digitalWrite(6, 1);
digitalWrite(7, 1);
digitalWrite(8, 1);
if (player != 2) //When this method is called with (1), only these pins(player one's) will turn on
digitalWrite(9, 1);
digitalWrite(10, 1);
digitalWrite(11, 1);
digitalWrite(12, 1);
digitalWrite(13, 1);
void TurnOffAllLEDsForPlayer(int player)
if (player != 1) //When this method is called with (2), only these pins(player two's) will turn off
digitalWrite(4, 0);
digitalWrite(5, 0);
digitalWrite(6, 0);
digitalWrite(7, 0);
digitalWrite(8, 0);
if (player != 2) //When this method is called with (1), only these pins(player one's) will turn off
digitalWrite(9, 0);
digitalWrite(10, 0);
digitalWrite(11, 0);
digitalWrite(12, 0);
digitalWrite(13, 0);
void FlashAllLEDs(int blinkCount, int player) //Second parameter(int player) is for when you want to flash only one player's LEDs. Use 1 for player one, use 2 for player two.
for (int i = 0; i < blinkCount; i++)