Arctic Yearbook 2014 | страница 80

Arctic Yearbook 2014 80 Notes 1. Аn overview of nomadic schools in the Republic of Sakha/Yakutia is given at; UNESCO has a brief description of Siberian schools in English on its website: 2. There is much debate among researchers in the Arctic as to how to incorporate local or indigenous knowledge into Western scientific models. Within the workings of this project, participants on both sides are eager for both kinds of information, and standard language vitality surveys rely heavily on the knowledge of the community members. References Anaya, J. (2013). Implementing Declaration on Indigenous Rights will be difficult or impossible without greater awareness of human rights values, Third Committee told. [Press release on special rapporteur report to the Third Committee.]. Retrieved from Barry, T., Grenoble, L.A., Friðriksson, F., Olsen, C.Chr., Mustonen, T. (2013). Linguistic diversity. In Arctic biodiversity assessment. Status and trends in Arctic biodiversity (pp. 431-441). Akureyri: Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), Arctic Council. Evans, N. (2001). The last speaker is dead? Long live the last speaker! In P. Newman & M. Ratliff (Eds.), Linguistic fieldwork (pp. 250-281). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Fishman, J. (1991). Reversing Language Shift. Clevedon, UK : Multilingual Matters. ILO 2014. Convention No. 169. Retrieved from (accessed 24 April 2014) ILO 1989. The Convention concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries. International Labour Organization Convention No.169. Retrieved from TRUMENT_ID:312314:NO. (accessed on 24 April 2014) Lewis, M. P., Simons, G. F. & Fennig, C. D. Eds. (2013). Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 17th ed. Dallas, Texas: SIL International. Retrieved from Moseley, C. Ed. (2010). Atlas of the world’s languages in danger, 3rd ed. Paris: UNESCO Publishing. Retrieved from Salekhard Arctic Council Declaration (2006). Retrieved from Grenoble & Olsen (Puju)