Arctic Cat Cup Magazine English Edition Issue 4 2013 | Page 36

ÖSSK DRIVERS When Östersund´s snowmobile club started with kids racing mini snowmobiles, they couldn´t imagine that it would be a huge success. And now the first of those kids steps upp to Junior class. Max Lemnert certainly looks exactly like he hasn´t done anything else than competed in snowcross all his live when he stands next to hos Polaris IQ. And that fits us just well as we are intervjuing him on the most classical grounds of all in snowcross racing: Gräfsåsen. In just a couple of weeks Max will stand at the starting line in the biggest snowcross competition in Europe. But then, he had done that many times before - Yes I have raced in the 150 gold helmet class in Arctic Cat Cup every year it´s been arranged, says Max. Dad, Mats Lemnert, who has a long history in motorsport himself did the right thing. They sold the mini snowmobiles wich they sold in almost no time at all. - It was crazy. At least 50 people called us and wanted the snowmobiles. That, if anything, shows the huge interest for mini snowmobiling, says Mats. Max sister doesn´t have a snowmobile of her own now but she can borrow Max´s during the winter. Even if she doesn´t continue with snowcross she loves snowmobiling. To be able to compete Max has serveral partners that supports him: Motorhuset/Polaris, Jämtlands Bildemontering, Mittmedia, Northcar and Stargym. FROM MIN TO Max who will be 12 years old 2014 is already something of a veteran in snowcross when he now debuts in Junior 12-14. The question is why he has choosed snowcross? - Me and my sister each got a mini snowmobile when we were younger. We thought it was increadibly fun to drive. The most driving was done at our parents cabin where we used to chase each other. When Östersund´s SSK started with kids racing I wanted to participate. And last season I said to my father that I wanted to compete in Junior class. - It´s important to train so you have the power to fulfill a race. At the gym I train my arms, legs and stomach. I have also started to train my cardio expecially on my mountainbike, says Max. This winter Max and his father will spend a lot of time in their team bus. Sweden Cup and Hillcross are on the schedule. And Max focuses on his main goal: - I want to have fun and want to fullfill every race.