Arctic Cat Cup Magazine English Edition Issue 4 2013 | Page 19

1973-1976 C CUP 1973 1975 It was meant that the first Sno-Tric Cup should have been arranged at the brand new Gräfsåsen´s snowmobile stadium. But it wasn´t enough snow and after having postponed the competition several times it had to move to the mountains at the village Åkersjön. Seved was the first driver to win the competition and did that on a Sno-Tric snowmobile. Börje Arvdal became the first winner on a non domestic snowmobile. In Stock the famous Olausson brothers took the top spots at the podium. Leif won and Tord was second. 1974 1976 Seved who also was product line manager at Sno-Tric took his second win. This time SnoTric Cup was also a Swedish Championship qualifier. A special race for children (today 150 gold helmet) was arranged, the first in Sweden. Arne Johansson, today owner of Motorhuset, took the victory. Östersund´s SSK drivers took podium in all classes except one. Janne Sundkvist won -350 racing and was second in 0-750 Racing, Tord Olausson won 0-750 Stock and was third in 0-350 Stock, Leif Olausson won 351-750 Stock and Per Blom won the 150-race. Sno-Tric Cup 11 february Åkersjön Best of the best heat 0-750 1. Seved Lundberg, Sala (Sno-Tric) 2. Stefan Öwre, Östersunds SSK 3. Lennart Strandberg, Umeå Sno-Tric Cup 3 march Gräfsåsen Open 350-750 1. Seved Lundberg, Sala (Sno-Tric) 2. P.O. Erhardsson, Ljusdal 3. Olle Blom Östersunds SSK Sno-Tric Cup 12 january Gräfsåsen Best of the best heat 0-750 1. Börje Arvdal, Edsbyn 2. Berndt Bergström, Umeå 3. Bertil Siklund, Umeå Sno-Tric Cup 18 january Gräfsåsen Best of the best heat 0-750 Racing 1. Bertil Siklund, Umeå 2. Janne Sundqvist, Östersunds SSK 3. Seved Lundberg, Sala