Arctic Cat Cup Magazine English Edition Issue 4 2013 | Page 10

When it comes to Arctic Cat ATV it´s Stigs Maskin who is the expert. We went to the store to meet Per Jacobsson who is CEO. sumables and service. They are retailer for VIMEK forestry equipment, Arctic Cat ATV and Kawasaki ATV and Jet ski. Stigs Maskin also offers service to brands like: VIMEK, EcoLog, LogMax, Tigercat, Rottne and Arctic Cat. - We´re just about to assembly two Arctic Cat Wildcat side-by-sides. Increadibly cool machines, says Per as we pass throught the well assorted, yet spacious, store. - We also sells a lot of tires, oil, new and used parts, trailers, snowblowers, lawn movers, tools and other things that the entrepreneurs has use for. STIGS MA - WHEN IT COMES TO ARCTIC CAT ATV At Per´s office we see something green rush past the window. One of the Wildcats seems to be ready for delivery and is now tested at Stigs Maskin´s parking area - We started to sell Arctic Cat ATV in the 2005. The sales in this particular area of Sweden was very low. So one day the general agent of Arctic Cat contacted us since they thought that we had the right kind of customers. And the right kind of customers was exactly what Stigs Maskin had. The first year as a retailer they sold more Arctic Cat ATV than any other retailer in Sweden. Since then they sell an average of 30 ATV/year. Stigs Maskin was founded by Per´s father Stig and Per´s uncle Per-Erik Andersson. The company was located in Häggenås and the company´s main operation was to buy and scrap forestry equipment and sell the used parts. Year 2000 the operation moved to Lit where Stigs Maskin had a workshop since earlier. Even today the used parts are an importent part of the operation. But they focus more and more as a retailer of new machines, parts, con- Per have a past as a driver in both folkrace and in snowcross. When he competed in snowcross he did that in the same team as Johan Olofsson, Event Manager at Arctic Cat Cup. Per´s biggest success was a third place in the Swedish Championships in hillcross 2007. This year Per writes a new chapter in Stigs Maskin´s 30 year old history. - Yes, during 2013 we acquired 50% of the company Morten in Östersund. This way we can serve our customers in Östersund even better. Morten has open during saturdays wich means that our customers can get our goods at weekends too. From 2014 we´re going to have a showroom for Arctic Cat ATV at Morten also. And we´re going to have a shoowroom for Morten products like trailers, snowblowers and lawn movers here in Lit, ends Per. During Arctic Cat Cup in Östersund you will meet Stigs Maskin (ATV) and Krokom Speedshop (snowmobiles) at the market area inside the entrance.