Archived Publications Ebook: Using Goal Setting and Performance Manageme | Page 3

Is Your Organization A Revolving Door? Healthcare HR departments are constantly under pressure to deliver a first-rate workforce. Contributing to this pressure is employee turnover — one of the most costly issues for organizations. THE PROBLEM HIGH TURNOVER 17.2% 16.4% Turnover rates have steadily increased over the last four years, with the current rate at 17.2% RNs, the largest segment of healthcare employees, have a similar current turnover rate of 16.4% 57,300 $ 36,900 $ The cost of turnover for a bedside RN ranges from $36,900 to $57,300 to Turnover rates for new nurses is a substantial problem and ranges between 13-75% 13% 75% REASONS FOR TURNOVER Absence of retention strategies Heavy workload Lack of advancement opportunities Inadequate staffing Poor working conditions Job satisfaction Ineffective management and pay THE SOLUTION 5 STEPS TO AVOID THE HIGH COST OF TURNOVER  • 800.521.0574 •  3